Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So I ended up doing 9 miles at 7:30 am on Saturday morning in 7 degree temperature (icicles formed on my eyelashes like glider mascara). Can I just say how crazy that was, I couldn't feel my fingers for about the first 30 minutes. When i was done the temperature was only at 18 degrees, which is still way too cold to even be outside. I'm glad i did it but there is no way i would be out there if it wasn't for that half marathon coming up. Of course I wasn't alone in this craziness, there were 4 of us (2 doing 15, 1 doing 12, and me with my 9). I'm praying for warm weather!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lord, have mercy! That is cold! And I complain about running in anything under 32 degrees! I am pretty spoiled in FL, though.

I stumbled across your blog through Google. Love how you display your medals! I am so stealing...er...I mean...borrowing that idea! Thanks! :-)

Would it be all right if I post your picture on my blog and link to your blog?

Come visit me!